Mapping a digital workflow: clinical and laboratory perspectives
Digital workflow for full-arch implant-supported prostheses is still considered as challenging procedure. Accurate planning and positioning of the implants enable minimizing tissue regeneration procedures and fabricating prosthetic components before the surgery and applying immediate or early loading protocols. Various intraoral scanning strategies can be used to achieve the accurate digital impression and bite registration for the full-arch cases. However, with the next clinical and laboratory steps, the errors in the digital workflow can propagate. Also, an objective evaluation of the passive fit is still challenging, and the knowledge of how the misfit could affect the treatment outcomes is still lacking. In this lecture, the clinical guidelines of ADIP (Accurate Digital Implantology and Prosthodontics) workflows will be presented considering clinical and laboratory aspects.
Learning objectives
- To explain the main factors affecting error propagation of the digital workflow.
- To demonstrate the limitations and solutions of full-arch intraoral scanning.
- To present new methods of passive fit evaluation and demonstrate long-term results of full-arch implant-supported restorations produces using digital workflow.